1. 'Acrocercops cramerella'是拉丁语,表示一种小蛾子。
2. 它是一种森林害虫,在摩洛哥等地区广泛分布。
3. 以下是9个例句:
- "تم تسجيل وجود حشرة 'Acrocercops cramerella' في الغابة." (在森林中发现了'Acrocercops cramerella'这种昆虫。)
- "这些叶片都被'Acrocercops cramerella'吃掉了。" (These leaves have all been eaten by 'Acrocercops cramerella'.)
- "他们正在对'Acrocercops cramerella'进行研究,以寻找防治方法。" (They are researching 'Acrocercops cramerella' to find ways to control it.)
- "我看到了'Acrocercops cramerella'在树上飞舞。" (I saw 'Acrocercops cramerella' fluttering among the trees.)
- "我不确定这是不是'Acrocercops cramerella',但是它看起来像。" (I'm not sure if this is 'Acrocercops cramerella', but it looks like it.)
- "这个区域的'Acrocercops cramerella'数量在增加。" (The number of 'Acrocercops cramerella' in this area is increasing.)
- "他们使用化学药剂来控制'Acrocercops cramerella'的数量。" (They use chemical pesticides to control the number of 'Acrocercops cramerella'.)
- "这种蛾子以树叶为食,主要损害森林生态系统。" (This species of moth feeds on leaves and primarily damages forest ecosystems.)
- "学者们建议采用生物防治的方式来控制'Acrocercops cramerella'的数量。" (Scholars suggest using biological control methods to control the number of 'Acrocercops cramerella'.)