Emirates Stadium是什么意思 Emirates Stadium的读音、翻译、用法

Emirates Stadium是什么意思 Emirates Stadium的读音、翻译、用法

'Emirates Stadium'这个词语来源于英语,是指位于英国伦敦的阿森纳足球俱乐部的主场,一般翻译为“阿联酋航空球场”。这个足球场于xx年xx月xx日落成,可以容纳60,260名观众,是欧洲最现代化的足球场之一。

以下是9个含有'Emirates Stadium'的例句:

1. Emirates Stadium is a landmark of North London, home to Arsenal Football Club.(阿森纳足球俱乐部的主场,阿联酋航空球场是北伦敦的地标。)

2. I went to Emirates Stadium to watch Arsenal play against Chelsea.(我去了阿联酋航空球场看阿森纳和切尔西的比赛。)

3. Emirates Stadium has state-of-the-art facilities and is one of the most impressive stadiums in the world.(阿联酋航空球场拥有先进的设施,是世界上最壮观的体育场之一。)

4. The Emirates Stadium is famous for its striking design and unique architecture.(阿联酋航空球场以其独特的设计和建筑著名。)

5. Emirates Stadium is the perfect venue for football fans to experience the thrill of a live match.(阿联酋航空球场是足球迷体验现场比赛的完美场所。)

6. Fans flock to Emirates Stadium to cheer on their favorite team and bask in the thrill of competitive football.(球迷们涌向阿联酋航空球场为他们喜爱的球队加油,享受竞争足球的乐趣。)

7. The atmosphere at Emirates Stadium during a match is electric, with fans singing and chanting.(比赛期间在阿联酋航空球场的气氛非常热烈,球迷们唱歌和高呼口号。)

8. Emirates Stadium has hosted many high-profile matches, including the UEFA Champions League Final.(阿联酋航空球场举办了许多备受关注的比赛,包括欧洲冠军联赛决赛。)

9. The Emirates Stadium tour takes visitors behind the scenes of Arsenal's state-of-the-art stadium.(阿联酋航空球场游览带领游客探访阿森纳先进的体育场幕后。)

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