1. 我们今天的午餐有印度咖喱和香草醋chutney。
We had Indian curry and herb vinegar chutney for lunch today.
2. 四川泡菜和印度chutney的口感有些类似。
The taste of Sichuan pickles and Indian chutney is somewhat similar.
3. 在印度,chutney是用来搭配炸面饼的。
In India, chutney is served with fried bread.
4. 这个西红柿chutney的味道很棒。
This tomato chutney tastes great.
5. 蘸这个香蕉chutney吃油炸食品非常美味。
Dipping fried food in this banana chutney is delicious.
6. 我喜欢在煮饭时加一些咖喱chutney。
I like to add some curry chutney when cooking rice.
7. 这家印度餐厅的mango chutney非常出名。
The mango chutney at this Indian restaurant is very famous.
8. 这个辣椒chutney真的很辣。
This chilli chutney is really spicy.
9. 这个莲藕chutney非常适合搭配肉类食品。
This lotus root chutney is perfect to pair with meat dishes.