1. The boxer delivered a powerful punch, which resulted in his opponent being knocked out.(这个拳击手下了一拳,将他的对手打晕了。)
2. The medication knocked her out for several hours.(这种药物让她昏迷了几个小时。)
3. The hurricane knocked out power to the entire city.(飓风导致整个城市停电。)
4. That dress is a knockout, you should definitely buy it.(那件连衣裙真是太棒了,你一定要买下来。)
5. The boxer suffered a knockout in the first round of the fight.(这个拳击手在比赛的第一轮就被击倒了。)
6. The new restaurant in town is a real knockout, with delicious food and amazing decor.(城里的那家新餐馆真是太棒了,食物美味,装修惊人。)
7. The earthquake knocked out the entire communication system in the area.(地震导致该地区的通信系统全部瘫痪。)
8. He was knocked out by the stunning beauty of the sunset.(他被落日的美丽惊呆了。)
9. The football player was knocked out by a hard tackle, and had to leave the game.(这名足球运动员被一次猛烈的铲球击倒,不得不离开比赛。)