'Vigna nilotica'是拉丁语,意为尼罗豇豆。它是一种生长在非洲和南亚的豇豆属植物,也被称为黑眼豆。这种植物可以生长在干旱和低肥力土壤中,是当地人们的主要农作物之一。
1. Vigna nilotica is commonly grown in Africa for its edible seeds. (Vigna nilotica常被种植在非洲,以收获其可食用的种子。)
2. The seeds of Vigna nilotica are rich in protein and are an important source of nutrition for the local people. (Vigna nilotica的种子富含蛋白质,是当地人们重要的营养来源。)
3. In some parts of India, Vigna nilotica is used to make a popular traditional dish called lobia. (在印度的一些地区,Vigna nilotica被用来制作一种叫做lobia的传统美食。)
4. Vigna nilotica is a drought-tolerant crop that can survive in arid regions. (Vigna nilotica是一种耐旱作物,可以在干旱的地区生存。)
5. The leaves of Vigna nilotica are used for medicinal purposes in some parts of Africa. (Vigna nilotica的叶子在非洲的一些地区被用于药用目的。)
6. Vigna nilotica is also known as cowpeas and is a staple food in many African countries. (Vigna nilotica也被称为鸽豆,在许多非洲国家是主食。)
7. The pods of Vigna nilotica are used as animal feed in some parts of Asia. (Vigna nilotica的豆荚在亚洲的一些地区被用作动物饲料。)
8. The cultivation of Vigna nilotica has been found to improve soil fertility in certain areas. (种植Vigna nilotica已被发现可以改善某些地区的土壤肥力。)
9. Vigna nilotica is a versatile crop that can be used for food, animal feed, and as a cover crop. (Vigna nilotica是一种多功能作物,可以用于食品、动物饲料和作为覆盖作物。)