'Citrus macrophylla'是拉丁语,翻译成中文是大叶橙。它是柑橘科柑橘属的一种植物,是柚类植物的一种,果实酸度高,口感清爽。
以下是9个含有'Citrus macrophylla'的例句:
1. Lemonade made with Citrus macrophylla is tart and refreshing.(用大叶橙制作的柠檬水又酸又爽口。)
2. The unique flavor of Citrus macrophylla is popular in many countries.(大叶橙的独特风味在很多国家都很受欢迎。)
3. The essential oil of Citrus macrophylla is used in aromatherapy.(大叶橙精油被用于芳香疗法。)
4. Citrus macrophylla is often used as a decorative plant in gardens.(大叶橙经常被用作花园里的装饰植物。)
5. Some people use the leaves of Citrus macrophylla to make tea.(有些人用大叶橙的叶子泡茶。)
6. Citrus macrophylla is native to Southeast Asia.(大叶橙原产于东南亚。)
7. Citrus macrophylla trees can grow up to 10 meters tall.(大叶橙树可以长到10米高。)
8. Citrus macrophylla is also known as the 'Alemow' in some regions.(在一些地区,大叶橙也被称为'Alemow'。)
9. The juice of Citrus macrophylla can be used as a natural cleaning agent.(大叶橙的果汁可以用作天然清洁剂。)