Rhodococcus equi是什么意思 Rhodococcus equi的读音、翻译、用法

Rhodococcus equi是什么意思 Rhodococcus equi的读音、翻译、用法

'Rhodococcus equi'不是一个国家的语言,而是一种细菌名称,中文翻译为“马鼻疽杆菌”。这种细菌主要感染马匹,可以导致严重的肺部感染和其他疾病。


1. Rhodococcus equi causes pneumonia in foals.(马鼻疽杆菌会导致小马驹得肺炎。)

2. The incidence of Rhodococcus equi infection has increased in recent years.(马鼻疽杆菌感染的发生率近年来有所增加。)

3. Treatment of Rhodococcus equi infection in foals is challenging.(小马驹身上的马鼻疽杆菌感染很难治疗。)

4. Rhodococcus equi is commonly found in soil and manure.(马鼻疽杆菌常见于土壤和粪便中。)

5. A vaccine for Rhodococcus equi is available for foals.(小马驹可以接种马鼻疽杆菌疫苗。)

6. Antibiotic resistance is a concern in the treatment of Rhodococcus equi infection.(抗生素耐药问题在治疗马鼻疽杆菌感染时令人担忧。)

7. Screening for Rhodococcus equi is important in horse breeding programs.(马鼻疽杆菌的筛查在马场育种计划中很重要。)

8. High humidity and poor ventilation increase the risk of Rhodococcus equi infection in foals.(高湿度和通风不佳会增加小马驹感染马鼻疽杆菌的风险。)

9. A diagnosis of Rhodococcus equi infection in horses is confirmed by culture and molecular tests.(通过培养和分子检测可以确认马鼻疽杆菌感染的诊断。)

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