sphex是什么意思 sphex的读音、翻译、用法

sphex是什么意思 sphex的读音、翻译、用法




1. The sphex-like behavior of my boss makes it hard to work with him.(我的老板像黄蜂一样固执己见,让我很难与他合作。)

2. Mary is a sphex when it comes to her political beliefs.(玛丽在政治信仰方面很固执己见。)

3. Jack's sphex attitude makes it difficult for him to make new friends.(杰克的固执己见让他难以交到新朋友。)

4. The sphex-like behavior of the debate team captain caused tension among the members.(辩论队长像黄蜂一样的固执己见导致了成员之间的紧张。)

5. Some species of sphex are known for their aggressive behavior.(一些黄蜂种类以其侵略性行为而闻名。)

6. The sphex-like focus of the CEO helped the company achieve its goals.(首席执行官像黄蜂一样专注,帮助公司实现了目标。)

7. Jane's sphex attitude towards her diet makes her difficult to dine with.(简在饮食方面非常固执己见,让她很难一起用餐。)

8. Certain types of sphex exhibit a form of parental care.(某些黄蜂种类表现出一种亲代关爱形式。)

9. The sphex-like behavior of the politician caused a stir among the voters.(政治家像黄蜂一样的固执己见,在选民中引起了轰动。)

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