1. My professor handed out the syllabus on the first day of class.(我的教授在第一天上课时发给我们教学大纲。)
2. The syllabus outlines all of the required readings for the course.(教学大纲列出了课程中所有必需阅读材料。)
3. The syllabus also includes the dates of all exams and assignments.(教学大纲还包括了所有考试和作业的日期。)
4. The syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.(教学大纲可以根据教师的判断进行更改。)
5. Have you read through the entire syllabus yet?(你已经完全阅读了教学大纲了吗?)
6. The syllabus is a helpful tool for students to plan their study schedule.(教学大纲对学生制定学习计划很有帮助。)
7. The syllabus is written in clear and concise language.(教学大纲使用了清晰简洁的语言书写。)
8. The syllabus is an important document that outlines the expectations for the course.(教学大纲是一个重要文献,它阐述了课程的期望。)
9. The syllabus provides valuable information about the course and its requirements.(教学大纲提供了有关课程及其要求的有价值的信息。)