"Fasciola"是拉丁语,意为“提着鞭子的人”。它是一种生物学上的属名,指一类扁形动物,包括肝吸虫(Fasciola hepatica)和肠吸虫(Fasciola gigantica)等种类。这些寄生虫通常寄生在动物的肝脏和胆管内,会严重损害宿主的健康。
1. Fasciola hepatica是一种广泛分布并危害畜牧业的肝吸虫。
(Fasciola hepatica is a widely distributed liver fluke that poses a threat to livestock.)
2. 突变的Fasciola gigantica可能对药物治疗产生耐药性。
(Mutant Fasciola gigantica may develop resistance to drug treatment.)
3. 这篇论文分析了Fasciola属物种的基因组,以求深入了解它们与宿主的相互作用。
(This paper analyzes the genomes of Fasciola spp. to gain insight into their interactions with hosts.)
4. 在世界范围内,变种Fasciola hepatica的传播导致了人类和动物的健康问题。
(The spread of the variant Fasciola hepatica has led to health issues in both humans and animals worldwide.)
5. Fasciola属寄生虫可通过感染牛和羊,进一步影响人类的健康。
(Fasciola spp. parasites can infect cattle and sheep and further impact human health.)
6. 这个国家的农民常常需要定期检查他们的牲畜,以确保它们没有感染Fasciola属寄生虫。
(Farmers in this country often need to check their livestock regularly to ensure they are not infected with Fasciola spp. parasites.)
7. 卫生部门正在采取措施,以预防Fasciola hepatica感染引起的疾病。
(Health authorities are taking measures to prevent diseases caused by Fasciola hepatica infections.)
8. Fasciola gigantica的传染性很强,因此需要采取措施防止其扩散。
(Fasciola gigantica is highly contagious, and measures need to be taken to prevent its spread.)
9. 这个研究的目的是开发一种有效的药物来治疗Fasciola属寄生虫感染。
(The aim of this study is to develop an effective drug to treat Fasciola spp. parasite infections.)