frontal是什么意思 frontal的读音、翻译、用法

frontal是什么意思 frontal的读音、翻译、用法



1. The frontal view of the building is stunning. (这座建筑的正面视图非常惊艳。)

2. The frontal lobe of the brain is responsible for decision-making. (大脑前额叶负责决策。)

3. The weatherman warned of a frontal system moving in. (气象预报员警告说一股气旋系统正在移动。)

4. The frontal assault was met with heavy resistance. (正面进攻遭到了强烈反抗。)

5. The car sustained frontal damage in the accident. (汽车在事故中受到了前面的损伤。)

6. The museum's exhibition included a frontal sculpture of the goddess Athena. (博物馆的展览包括了一尊雅典娜女神的正面雕像。)

7. The frontal lobotomy was once a popular treatment for mental illness. (前额叶白质切断曾经是一种流行的精神疾病治疗方法。)

8. The frontal boundary between the warm and cold air masses created thunderstorms. (暖气团和冷气团之间的前缘形成了雷暴。)

9. The frontal sinuses are located just above the eyebrows. (前窦位于眉毛上方。)

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