New Historicism是什么意思 New Historicism的读音、翻译、用法

New Historicism是什么意思 New Historicism的读音、翻译、用法

'New Historicism'这个词源于英语,是一种文学批评和文化批评方法,强调文学作品和文化现象与历史和社会背景的关系,主张以历史和社会背景为基础来理解文学作品。


1. New historicism is a critical approach to literature that emphasizes the importance of historical and social contexts for literary interpretation.(新历史主义是一种文学批评方法,强调文学作品的历史和社会背景对文学解释的重要性。)

2. New historicists argue that literary works are not products of isolated individual genius, but are intimately connected to their historical and social contexts.(新历史主义者认为,文学作品不是孤立的个人天才的产物,而是与它们的历史和社会背景密切相关的。)

3. New historicism draws attention to the ways in which literature participates in and reflects broader cultural and political trends.(新历史主义关注文学作品参与和反映更广泛的文化和政治趋势的方式。)

4. New historicism emphasizes the material conditions of culture, including economic structures, power relations, and social hierarchies.(新历史主义强调文化的物质条件,包括经济结构、权力关系和社会等级制度。)

5. New historicist readings of Shakespeare's plays often focus on the ways in which his works reflect the political and cultural conflicts of the Elizabethan era.(对莎士比亚戏剧的新历史主义阅读经常关注他的作品如何反映伊丽莎白时代的政治和文化冲突。)

6. New historicism rejects the idea that literary works have a fixed, intrinsic meaning, and instead argues that meaning is constantly produced and re-negotiated in relation to historical and social contexts.(新历史主义拒绝文学作品具有固定的本质意义的观念,而是认为意义是在与历史和社会背景相关的情况下不断产生和重新协商的。)

7. New historicism has been criticized for its tendency to reduce literature to a product of its historical and social context, ignoring the aesthetic and artistic qualities of literary works.(新历史主义因倾向于将文学作品简单地看作历史和社会环境的产物而受到批评,忽略了文学作品的审美和艺术品质。)

8. New historicism emerged in the late 20th century as a response to the limitations of formalism and other earlier approaches to literary criticism.(新历史主义在20世纪后期出现,是对形式主义和其他早期文学批评方法的局限性的回应。)

9. The new historicist approach has influenced not only literary criticism, but also other disciplines such as history, sociology, and cultural studies.(新历史主义方法不仅影响了文学批评,而且还影响了其他学科,如历史、社会学和文化研究。)

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