'Mark Twain'这个词语来源于英语,是美国文学家马克·吐温使用的笔名。这个词语在中文中常被翻译为“马克·吐温”,是一个广为人知的文学名字。
以下是9个含有'Mark Twain'的例句:
1. "Mark Twain once said,'If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.'"(马克·吐温曾经说过,“如果你说真话,你就不必记住什么。”)
2. "Mark Twain is considered one of the greatest American writers."(马克·吐温被认为是美国最伟大的作家之一。)
3. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a famous novel by Mark Twain."(《汤姆·索耶历险记》是马克·吐温的一部著名小说。)
4. "Mark Twain's wit and humor have entertained generations of readers."(马克·吐温的机智和幽默娱乐了几代读者。)
5. "Mark Twain's characters are often based on people he knew in real life."(马克·吐温的角色常常是基于他在现实生活中认识的人物。)
6. "Mark Twain's writing style is characterized by his use of vernacular language."(马克·吐温的写作风格以他使用的方言语言为特征。)
7. "The Mark Twain House in Hartford, Connecticut is a popular tourist attraction."(康涅狄格州哈特福德的马克·吐温故居是一个受欢迎的旅游景点。)
8. "Mark Twain was known for his satire and social commentary."(马克·吐温以他的讽刺和社会评论而闻名。)
9. "Mark Twain once said,'Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.'"(马克·吐温曾经说过,“年龄是心理问题。如果你不介意,它就不是问题。”)