Ceratocystis variospora是什么意思 Ceratocystis variospora的读音、翻译、用法

Ceratocystis variospora是什么意思 Ceratocystis variospora的读音、翻译、用法

'Ceratocystis variospora'是拉丁语,翻译为“多孢角囊菌”。

'Ceratocystis variospora'是一种木材腐朽菌,属于真菌界。它主要生长在树木内部,会分泌酶分解木质素,导致树木的腐朽。这种真菌在林业和木材加工行业中很具有危害性,因为它可以导致木材的降解和损坏。

以下是9个含有'Ceratocystis variospora'的国外例句(带中文翻译):

1. Ceratocystis variospora is a serious threat to the forest industry. (Ceratocystis variospora对森林行业构成了严重的威胁。)

2. The spores of Ceratocystis variospora can easily spread from one tree to another. (Ceratocystis variospora的孢子可以很容易地从一棵树传播到另一棵树。)

3. Many trees have been infected with Ceratocystis variospora in this area. (这个区域的许多树木都感染了Ceratocystis variospora。)

4. Ceratocystis variospora is often found in dead or dying trees. (Ceratocystis variospora经常出现在死亡或濒死的树木上。)

5. The presence of Ceratocystis variospora can cause a decrease in the value of timber. (Ceratocystis variospora的存在会导致木材价值的下降。)

6. The best way to prevent the spread of Ceratocystis variospora is to remove infected trees. (防止Ceratocystis variospora传播的最好方法是移除感染的树木。)

7. Ceratocystis variospora can cause severe damage to the structural integrity of trees. (Ceratocystis variospora会对树木的结构完整性造成严重的损害。)

8. The spores of Ceratocystis variospora are transported by insects and wind. (Ceratocystis variospora的孢子是由昆虫和风力传播的。)

9. The treatment of Ceratocystis variospora infections involves the use of fungicides. (治疗Ceratocystis variospora感染涉及使用杀菌剂。)

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