pentathlon是什么意思 pentathlon的读音、翻译、用法

pentathlon是什么意思 pentathlon的读音、翻译、用法


1. The modern pentathlon has been a part of the Olympic Games since 1912.(现代五项全能自xx年起成为奥林匹克运动会项目之一。)

2. She won the gold medal in the women's pentathlon at the world championships.(她在世界锦标赛中赢得了女子五项全能的金牌。)

3. The pentathlon requires both physical and mental fitness.(五项全能需要身体和心理健康。)

4. He trained hard for months to prepare for the pentathlon.(他为五项全能赛事进行了数月的刻苦训练。)

5. The pentathlon is a test of all-around athletic ability.(五项全能是对全面运动能力的考验。)

6. The pentathlon is often considered the most challenging event in the Olympics.(五项全能通常被认为是奥林匹克运动会中最具挑战性的项目。)

7. The pentathlon requires athletes to be versatile and adaptable.(五项全能要求运动员具备多才多艺和适应性强。)

8. The pentathlon consists of five separate events that test different skills.(五项全能由五个独立的比赛项目组成,测试不同的技能。)

9. He finished second in the pentathlon, just behind the world record holder.(他在五项全能赛事中获得第二名,仅次于世界纪录保持者。)

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