quasar是什么意思 quasar的读音、翻译、用法

quasar是什么意思 quasar的读音、翻译、用法

'quasar'这个词语来源于英语,它是'quasi-stellar radio source'的缩写,意思是准星射电源。Quasar是指一种高度能量的天体物体,是迄今为止已知最为遥远的天体之一,常常被用于研究宇宙的起源和演化。


1. The quasar is located about 3 billion light-years away from Earth.(这个准星射电源距离地球大约30亿光年。)

2. The light from the quasar is so intense that it outshines an entire galaxy.(这个准星射电源的光线如此强烈,以至于它能够比一整个星系更加明亮。)

3. Scientists have discovered a new type of quasar in outer space.(科学家在外层空间中发现了一种新型的准星射电源。)

4. The quasar emits vast amounts of energy and radiation.(这个准星射电源发射出大量的能量和辐射。)

5. Astronomers use quasars as a cosmic yardstick to measure distances in space.(天文学家用准星射电源作为测量宇宙空间距离的标尺。)

6. The quasar's luminosity was measured to be ten trillion times greater than that of our sun.(这个准星射电源的亮度被测量为太阳的一百万亿倍。)

7. The discovery of many quasars in the early universe suggests a rapid growth of supermassive black holes.(早期宇宙中发现许多准星射电源表明超大质量黑洞的快速增长。)

8. Observations of quasars have led to new insights into the structure and evolution of the universe.(通过观察准星射电源,人们对宇宙的结构和演化有了新的认识。)

9. The quasar's redshift indicates that it is moving away from us at an incredible speed.(准星射电源的红移表明它以惊人的速度远离我们。)

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