Psychidae是什么意思 Psychidae的读音、翻译、用法

Psychidae是什么意思 Psychidae的读音、翻译、用法





1. Psychidae family includes more than 1,350 species of Lepidoptera. (Psychidae科包含超过1,350种蛾类。)

2. The larvae of Psychidae construct their cases from silk and materials from their environment. (Psychidae的幼虫从自然材料中建造他们的壳。)

3. The Psychidae family is widely distributed around the world. (Psychidae科广泛分布于世界各地。)

4. The pupal stage of Psychidae lasts for about 2-3 weeks. (Psychidae的蛹期大约持续2-3周。)

5. Psychidae larvae live inside their cases until they pupate. (Psychidae的幼虫在他们的壳内度过繁殖期。)

6. The adult Psychidae moths do not feed and only live for a few days. (成年Psychidae蛾不进食,仅能存活数天。)

7. Researchers are studying the ecology and behavior of Psychidae species in different habitats. (研究人员正在研究Psychidae物种在不同栖息地的生态和行为。)

8. The silk cases of Psychidae larvae can be used to determine the species and sex. (Psychidae幼虫的丝壳可以用来确定物种和性别。)

9. The evolution of the cases of Psychidae larvae is still a topic of research. (Psychidae幼虫壳的进化仍是一个研究课题。)

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