'Howard Zinn'这个词语来源于英语,是指美国历史学家霍华德·辛恩。
1. Howard Zinn was a prominent historian and political activist.(霍华德·辛恩是著名历史学家和政治活动家。)
2. I highly recommend Howard Zinn's book A People's History of the United States.(我强烈推荐霍华德·辛恩的著作《美国人民的历史》。)
3. Howard Zinn's work challenged traditional views of American history.(霍华德·辛恩的作品挑战了传统的美国历史观。)
4. Many activists were inspired by Howard Zinn's commitment to social justice.(许多激进分子受到了霍华德·辛恩对社会正义的承诺的启发。)
5. Howard Zinn's writing often focused on marginalized groups and their struggles.(霍华德·辛恩的写作经常关注边缘化群体及其斗争。)
6. Howard Zinn believed that history should be told from the perspective of the oppressed.(霍华德·辛恩认为历史应该从被压迫者的角度讲述。)
7. Howard Zinn's book Voices of a People's History of the United States includes speeches by famous activists.(霍华德·辛恩的著作《美国人民的历史之声》包括了著名激进分子的演讲。)
8. Howard Zinn's writings inspired a new generation of activists.(霍华德·辛恩的写作激发了一代新的激进分子。)
9. Howard Zinn's critique of American imperialism remains relevant today.(霍华德·辛恩对美国帝国主义的批评至今仍然有意义。)