1. I would like to have a chocolate donut with my coffee.(我想要一块巧克力甜甜圈配我的咖啡。)
2. My daughter loves to eat donuts for breakfast.(我的女儿喜欢在早餐时吃甜甜圈。)
3. They sell the best donuts in this bakery.(这家面包店卖最好吃的甜甜圈。)
4. I had a dozen donuts for my office party.(我在办公室聚会上买了一打甜甜圈。)
5. My favorite donut flavor is blueberry.(我最喜欢的甜甜圈口味是蓝莓味。)
6. Can you pick up some donuts on your way to the office?(你去办公室的路上能买些甜甜圈吗?)
7. I like to dip my donut in coffee before eating it.(我喜欢在吃甜甜圈之前把它蘸到咖啡里。)
8. The donut shop is closed on Sundays.(这家甜甜圈店周日不营业。)
9. I saw a giant donut sculpture in the park.(我在公园里看到了一个巨大的甜甜圈雕塑。)