1. Pyridoxine deficiency can lead to anemia and nerve damage.(缺乏吡哆醇会导致贫血和神经损伤。)
2. Many foods contain pyridoxine, such as poultry, fish, bananas, and potatoes.(许多食物含有吡哆醇,比如家禽、鱼、香蕉和土豆。)
3. Pyridoxine is important for the metabolism of amino acids.(吡哆醇对氨基酸的代谢非常重要。)
4. High doses of pyridoxine can cause nerve damage.(高剂量的吡哆醇会导致神经损伤。)
5. Pyridoxine supplements are often recommended for pregnant women.(吡哆醇补充剂通常推荐给孕妇。)
6. Pyridoxine is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine.(吡哆醇参与合成神经递质,比如血清素和多巴胺。)
7. Pyridoxine can help reduce nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.(吡哆醇可以帮助减轻孕期恶心和呕吐。)
8. Alcohol consumption can interfere with pyridoxine absorption.(饮酒会影响吡哆醇的吸收。)
9. Pyridoxine supplements can improve symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.(吡哆醇补充剂可以改善手腕管综合症的症状。)