1. Eumycota是真菌界中最为广泛的一类生物。
(Eumycota is the most widespread group of organisms in the fungal kingdom.)
2. 有些Eumycota会在人类身上寄生并引起感染。
(Some Eumycota can parasitize on humans and cause infections.)
3. Eumycota在不同的环境中有不同的生态角色。
(Eumycota play different ecological roles in different environments.)
4. Eumycota的特征包括菌丝体和产生孢子的能力。
(The characteristics of Eumycota include the ability to form mycelium and produce spores.)
5. Eumycota对自然生态系统的影响极其重要。
(Eumycota play a crucial role in natural ecosystems.)
6. 担子菌门是真菌界内Eumycota中最为重要的一类生物。
(Basidiomycota is the most important group of Eumycota in the fungal kingdom.)
7. 有些Eumycota能够分解森林中的落叶和树枝。
(Some Eumycota are capable of decomposing fallen leaves and tree branches in the forest.)
8. Eumycota的分类和命名一直是真菌学的一个重要研究领域。
(The classification and naming of Eumycota have always been an important research area in mycology.)
9. Eumycota在食品加工和医药制品合成中有广泛的应用。
(Eumycota have a wide range of applications in food processing and pharmaceutical synthesis.)