SCS是什么意思 SCS的读音、翻译、用法

SCS是什么意思 SCS的读音、翻译、用法

1. SCS是英国的词语,该词缩写代表"Schengen Information System",即申根信息系统。

2. SCS是一个用于欧洲共同市场国家之间公民流动的管理系统,目的是促进欧洲内部自由流动,加强边境管控,确保安全与稳定。

3. 以下是9个含有SCS的例句:

- The SCS is an effective tool for sharing information on individuals who represent a threat to public security. (SCS是一个有效的工具,用于共享有关对公共安全构成威胁的个人的信息。)

- UK citizens must use the SCS to enter Schengen areas without a visa. (英国公民必须使用SCS才能无需签证进入申根区域。)

- The SCS allows for real-time information sharing between member states. (SCS允许成员国之间实时共享信息。)

- The SCS has helped to prevent countless acts of terrorism and crime. (SCS已经帮助阻止了无数的恐怖主义和犯罪行为。)

- The SCS is a critical tool for managing border security within the Schengen area. (SCS是管理申根地区边境安全的关键工具。)

- The EU is currently working to upgrade the SCS to improve its effectiveness. (欧盟目前正在努力升级SCS,以提高其效力。)

- Schengen member states are required to participate in the SCS. (申根成员国必须参与SCS。)

- The SCS is used to track the movement of individuals who may pose a security threat. (SCS用于追踪可能构成安全威胁的个人的动向。)

- The SCS helps to ensure the smooth flow of trade and travel within the European Union. (SCS有助于确保欧盟内部贸易和出行的顺畅进行。)

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