'Tylenchulus semipenetrans' 不是一个国家的语言,而是一个生物学名词,指的是一种寄生在柑桔根系上的线虫。常见的翻译包括:半侵入性钩虫、半突入腔线虫等。在农业上,它被认为是柑橘树的主要根系病害之一。
以下是9个含有'Tylenchulus semipenetrans'的例句:
1. Tylenchulus semipenetrans is a major nematode pest of citrus trees.(半突入腔线虫是柑橘树的主要线虫害虫。)
2. The damage caused by Tylenchulus semipenetrans can lead to a decline in citrus tree health and yield.(半侵入性钩虫的危害会导致柑橘树的健康和产量下降。)
3. Effective control measures are needed to manage Tylenchulus semipenetrans infestation.(需要采取有效的控制措施来管理半侵入性钩虫的侵害。)
4. Nematode-resistant citrus rootstocks can help reduce the damage caused by Tylenchulus semipenetrans.(抗线虫的柑橘砧木可以帮助减少半侵入性钩虫的危害。)
5. The life cycle of Tylenchulus semipenetrans includes an infective juvenile stage that can move through the soil and infect citrus roots.(半突入腔线虫的生命周期包括一个感染性幼虫阶段,可以穿过土壤并感染柑橘根。)
6. Soil fumigation is a common method for controlling Tylenchulus semipenetrans populations in citrus orchards.(土壤熏蒸是控制柑橘园内半侵入性钩虫种群的常用方法。)
7. The success of Tylenchulus semipenetrans management strategies depends on early detection and accurate diagnosis of infestations.(半侵入性钩虫管理策略的成功取决于对侵害的早期检测和准确诊断。)
8. In severe cases, Tylenchulus semipenetrans infestation can lead to the death of citrus trees.(在严重情况下,半突入腔线虫的侵害会导致柑橘树的死亡。)
9. The use of nematode-suppressive cover crops can help reduce Tylenchulus semipenetrans populations in citrus orchards.(使用抑线虫的覆盖作物可以帮助减少柑橘园内半侵入性钩虫的种群数量。)