Rudolph Minkowski是什么意思 Rudolph Minkowski的读音、翻译、用法

Rudolph Minkowski是什么意思 Rudolph Minkowski的读音、翻译、用法

'Rudolph Minkowski'是德语,中文翻译为“鲁道夫·明可夫斯基”。鲁道夫·明可夫斯基是一位德国天文学家,他于20世纪初发现了许多星系和星云的特殊性质,这些性质后来被称为“明可夫斯基天体”。明可夫斯基也是一位著名的爱因斯坦相对论专家。


1. Rudolph Minkowski研究了许多星系和星云,他的研究对天文学做出了重要贡献。

(Rudolph Minkowski studied many galaxies and nebulas, his research made important contributions to astronomy.)

2. 明可夫斯基天体是由Rudolph Minkowski首先发现的,这些天体的性质至今仍然被广泛研究。

(The Minkowski objects were first discovered by Rudolph Minkowski, and the properties of these objects are still widely studied today.)

3. 鲁道夫·明可夫斯基被认为是20世纪最伟大的天文学家之一。

(Rudolph Minkowski is considered one of the greatest astronomers of the 20th century.)

4. Rudolph Minkowski曾经为研究爱因斯坦相对论的应用做出了重要贡献。

(Rudolph Minkowski made important contributions to the study of the application of Einstein's theory of relativity.)

5. 明可夫斯基星云是由Rudolph Minkowski研究发现的,这些星云被认为是研究星系演化的重要工具。

(The Minkowski nebulae, discovered by Rudolph Minkowski, are considered an important tool for studying galaxy evolution.)

6. Rudolph Minkowski发现了一些具有异常性质的恒星,这些恒星后来被称为“明可夫斯基星”。

(Rudolph Minkowski discovered some stars with exceptional properties, which later became known as "Minkowski stars".)

7. 鲁道夫·明可夫斯基在研究星系的形成和演化方面做出了开创性的贡献。

(Rudolph Minkowski made pioneering contributions to the study of galaxy formation and evolution.)

8. Rudolph Minkowski是一位颇具天赋和才华的天文学家,他的研究成果影响了整个天文学领域。

(Rudolph Minkowski was a talented and gifted astronomer whose research had a significant impact on the entire field of astronomy.)

9. 明可夫斯基三元组是由Rudolph Minkowski在20世纪初发现的,这三个星系之间有着特殊的相互作用。

(The Minkowski triplet was discovered by Rudolph Minkowski in the early 20th century, and these three galaxies have special interactions with each other.)

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