stent是什么意思 stent的读音、翻译、用法

stent是什么意思 stent的读音、翻译、用法



1. The doctor inserted a stent into the patient's blocked coronary artery to improve blood flow.(医生将一个支架植入患者堵塞的冠状动脉中,以改善血液流动。)

2. The stent deployment was successful and the patient's condition improved rapidly.(支架植入手术成功,患者病情迅速好转。)

3. The surgeon used a balloon catheter to expand the narrowed artery before inserting the stent.(外科医生在植入支架前使用球囊导管扩张狭窄的动脉。)

4. After the stent procedure, the patient was advised to take blood thinners to prevent clotting.(支架手术后,建议患者服用抗凝药物以预防凝块形成。)

5. The stent helped to keep the bile duct open and prevented further blockage.(支架有助于保持胆道通畅,防止进一步堵塞。)

6. The stent was made of metal and designed to be flexible and durable.(支架由金属制成,设计灵活耐用。)

7. The patient experienced some discomfort after the stent placement, but it was temporary.(支架植入后,患者有些不适,但是是暂时的。)

8. The stent was a lifesaving device that prevented the patient from having a heart attack.(支架是一种救命设备,可以防止患者心脏病发作。)

9. The doctor recommended that the stent be checked regularly to make sure it was still functioning properly.(医生建议定期检查支架,以确保其仍然正常运作。)

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