‘Humoral’是英语词汇,指的是与体液(尤指血液和淋巴液)有关的生物过程或现象。例如,人们常说“体液平衡”(humoral balance)。
1. The humoral response is an important mechanism for neutralizing bacterial toxins.(体液反应是中和细菌毒素的一个重要机制。)
2. Antibodies are key players in the humoral immunity.(抗体是体液免疫中的关键参与者。)
3. The humoral theory of disease was popular in medieval Europe.(中世纪欧洲流行着病因体液论。)
4. The study found that humoral factors can affect the growth of cancer cells.(该研究发现体液因素可以影响癌细胞的生长。)
5. Humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy is a paraneoplastic phenomenon.(恶性肿瘤的体液性高钙血症是一种副肿瘤现象。)
6. The humoral regulation of blood pressure involves several peptides and hormones.(体液调节血压涉及多种肽和激素。)
7. The humoral and cellular immune responses work together to fight infections.(体液和细胞免疫反应共同对抗感染。)
8. The humoral component of the immune system is mainly responsible for fighting extracellular pathogens.(免疫系统的体液组分主要负责对抗细胞外病原体。)
9. Humoral autoimmunity refers to the production of autoantibodies against self-antigens.(体液自身免疫是指产生针对自身抗原的自身抗体。)