'WFC'来自于英语,全称为"World Football Championship"、"World Fencing Championships"或"World Fitness Championship"。在大多数情况下,WFC缩写通常用于描述足球世界杯。足球世界杯是由国际足球联合会(FIFA)主办的一项国际足球锦标赛,每xx年举办一次,是全球最大的单项体育赛事之一。
1. The next WFC will be held in Qatar in 2022. - 下一届WFC将于xx年在卡塔尔举办。
2. Germany won the 2014 WFC in Brazil. - 德国在巴西赢得了xx年的WFC。
3. The WFC is a highly anticipated event among football fans. - WFC是足球迷们非常期待的赛事之一。
4. The WFC final match will be broadcasted live on television. - WFC决赛将通过电视直播。
5. Many countries send their best football players to compete in the WFC. - 许多国家派出他们最优秀的足球运动员参加WFC比赛。
6. The WFC trophy is one of the most coveted prizes in football. - WFC奖杯是足球界最受追捧的奖项之一。
7. The WFC opening ceremony was a grand event. - WFC开幕式是一场盛大的活动。
8. Ronaldo has won multiple individual awards at the WFC. - C罗在WFC上赢得了多个个人奖项。
9. Many people travel to the host country to watch the WFC live. - 许多人前往主办国观看WFC的现场比赛。