1. Triticale is a highly adaptable crop that can be grown in a variety of regions. (板麦是一种高度适应性作物,可以在各种地区种植。)
2. The protein content of triticale is higher than that of wheat, making it a popular choice for animal feed. (板麦的蛋白质含量高于小麦,因此广受动物饲料生产厂家的青睐。)
3. Triticale is a hybrid grain that was first produced in the late 19th century. (板麦是一种杂交谷物,最早是在19世纪末生产出来的。)
4. Triticale is a good source of dietary fiber and can help regulate digestion. (板麦是膳食纤维的良好来源,可以帮助调节消化系统。)
5. Triticale is often used to make bread, pasta, and other baked goods. (板麦经常用于制作面包、意大利面和其他烘焙食品。)
6. Triticale is a hardy crop that can withstand drought and cold temperatures. (板麦是一种耐旱和耐寒的作物。)
7. Triticale has a nutty flavor and a chewy texture, making it a popular ingredient in salads and stews. (板麦有坚果般的口感和耐嚼性,因此很受欢迎,经常用于沙拉和炖菜中。)
8. Triticale is a versatile grain that can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. (板麦是一种多功能的谷物,可以用于甜味和咸味菜肴。)
9. Triticale has been shown to have potential health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of heart disease. (研究表明,板麦具有潜在的健康益处,例如降低胆固醇和减少心脏病的风险。)