Corn Laws是什么意思 Corn Laws的读音、翻译、用法

Corn Laws是什么意思 Corn Laws的读音、翻译、用法

Corn Laws是英国的英语词汇,翻译为“粮食法”,是指英国在19世纪初期制定的一系列法规,主要内容是对进口粮食进行高额关税和限制,以保护本国农业利益。


1. The Corn Laws were a hotly debated issue in 19th century Britain.(粮食法是19世纪英国一个备受争议的议题。)

2. The repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846 led to the rise of free trade in Britain.(xx年废除粮食法导致了英国自由贸易的兴起。)

3. The Corn Laws were fiercely opposed by the working classes and many industrialists.(粮食法遭到了工人阶级和许多工业家的强烈反对。)

4. The Corn Laws protected the interests of landowners but hurt the urban poor.(粮食法保护了地主的利益,但却伤害了城市贫民。)

5. The Corn Laws were a major factor in the Irish Potato Famine.(粮食法是爱尔兰马铃薯饥荒的一个重要因素。)

6. The repeal of the Corn Laws was seen as a victory for free trade advocates.(废除粮食法被视为自由贸易倡导者的胜利。)

7. The Corn Laws contributed to the rise of the Anti-Corn Law League in Britain.(粮食法促进了英国的反粮食法联盟的崛起。)

8. The Corn Laws were seen as a symbol of the entrenched power of the landed aristocracy.(粮食法被视为地主贵族巩固权力的象征。)

9. The Corn Laws were eventually repealed in response to public pressure and economic necessity.(粮食法最终被废除是为了回应公众压力和经济需要。)

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