monotremata是什么意思 monotremata的读音、翻译、用法

monotremata是什么意思 monotremata的读音、翻译、用法



1. Les monotremes sont des animaux uniques qui pondent des œufs.(法语,单孔目是产卵的独特动物。)

2. Monotremes lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young.(英语,单孔目通过产卵而非生产幼崽。)

3. Monotremes like the platypus and the echidna are found only in Australia and New Guinea.(英语,鸭嘴兽和针鼹等单孔目动物仅在澳大利亚和新几内亚发现。)

4. I had never seen a monotreme before visiting Australia.(英语,我在去澳大利亚之前从未见过单孔目动物。)

5. Los monotremas son una rareza de la naturaleza.(西班牙语,单孔目是自然界的一个奇观。)

6. Monotremi come l'ornitorinco e l'echidna sono animali unici al mondo.(意大利语,鸭嘴兽和针鼹等单孔目动物是世界上独特的动物。)

7. Monotremes are considered to be primitive mammals.(英语,单孔目被认为是原始哺乳动物。)

8. Monotremes are known for their unique features, such as laying eggs and having duck-like bills.(英语,单孔目以产卵和长有鸭嘴般的嘴著称。)

9. Monotremes are a group of mammals that are found nowhere else in the world.(英语,单孔目是仅在澳大利亚和新几内亚发现的哺乳动物。)

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