下面是9个含有' Rafflesiaceae'这个词语的例句:
1. Rafflesiaceae family is known for their large and unique flowers.(拉弗氏菜科以其大型且独特的花朵而闻名。)
2. The Rafflesiaceae species is a parasitic plant that lacks chlorophyll.(拉弗氏菜科物种是一种缺乏叶绿素的寄生植物。)
3. The giant Rafflesia arnoldii is a species of Rafflesiaceae native to Sumatra.(巨型拉氏花是一种生长于苏门答腊的拉弗氏菜科植物。)
4. Rafflesiaceae plants are found in rainforests and are parasitic on the roots of other plants.(拉弗氏菜科植物生长于雨林中,并寄生在其他植物的根上。)
5. The Rafflesiaceae flowers produce a strong odor that attracts insects for pollination.(拉弗氏菜科植物的花朵散发出强烈的气味,吸引昆虫进行授粉。)
6. The Rafflesiaceae family includes some of the most remarkable and unusual plants in the world.(拉弗氏菜科家族包括世界上最为卓越和非凡的植物。)
7. The Rafflesia flower, a member of the Rafflesiaceae family, is a national symbol of Indonesia.(拉菲西亚花是印度尼西亚的国花,属于拉弗氏菜科植物。)
8. Rafflesiaceae plants have no leaves or stems and rely on their host plants for nutrients.(拉弗氏菜科植物没有叶子或茎,依靠寄主植物提供养分。)
9. The Rafflesiaceae family is a unique group of plants that have evolved a highly specialized parasitic lifestyle.(拉弗氏菜科家族是一组独特的植物,已经进化出高度专门化的寄生生活方式。)