regurgitation是什么意思 regurgitation的读音、翻译、用法

regurgitation是什么意思 regurgitation的读音、翻译、用法



1. The patient with GERD complained of frequent regurgitation of food.(GERD的患者抱怨经常反流食物。)

2. This baby has infantile regurgitation, which is normal for their age.(这个婴儿有婴儿反刍,这在他们这个年龄是正常的。)

3. The doctor suspects regurgitation of blood into the lungs.(医生怀疑血液反流到肺部。)

4. He regurgitated the same old arguments he always used.(他重复使用了他一直使用的老论点。)

5. The bird regurgitated the food for its young.(鸟向幼鸟反刍食物。)

6. The teacher noticed that the student's answer was just a regurgitation of the textbook.(老师注意到学生的回答只是教科书的重复。)

7. The athlete experienced regurgitation during his workout.(运动员在锻炼中经历了反流的症状。)

8. The vet was concerned about the dog's regurgitation of undigested food.(兽医对狗未消化食物的反流感到担心。)

9. The airline provides regurgitation bags for passengers who feel ill during the flight.(航空公司为在飞行中感到不适的乘客提供呕吐袋。)

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