1. 我们需要准备一套完整的古代'Bianzhong'乐器来表演。
(We need to prepare a complete set of ancient 'Bianzhong' instruments for the performance.)
2. 这些'Bianzhong'在音色和音调上有着非常高的可听性。
(These 'Bianzhong' have very high audibility in tone and pitch.)
3. 因为'Bianzhong'通常由十数两到数百两不等的铜钟组成,所以它们非常沉重。
(As 'Bianzhong' usually consist of copper bells weighing from several tens to several hundred liang, they are very heavy.)
4. 'Bianzhong'曾经是古代中国宫廷音乐中不可或缺的一部分。
('Bianzhong' was once an indispensable part of ancient Chinese court music.)
5. 在古代,'Bianzhong'被视为财富和权力的象征。
(In ancient times, 'Bianzhong' was regarded as a symbol of wealth and power.)
6. 'Bianzhong'的发明和制造技术代表着古代中国 bronzework 的高度成就。
(The invention and manufacturing technology of 'Bianzhong' represents the high achievement of ancient Chinese bronzework.)
7. 'Bianzhong'发出的声音深受中国传统文化的影响。
(The sound of 'Bianzhong' is deeply influenced by traditional Chinese culture.)
8. 今天,很多'Bianzhong'都被珍藏在中国的博物馆中。
(Today, many 'Bianzhong' are preserved in museums in China.)
9. 'Bianzhong'的音色和音调一直是中国音乐的重要组成部分。
(The tone and pitch of 'Bianzhong' have always been an important part of Chinese music.)