crossing over是什么意思 crossing over的读音、翻译、用法

crossing over是什么意思 crossing over的读音、翻译、用法

'crossing over'是英语词汇,可以翻译为“穿越、跨越、交叉、转化”等意思。在遗传学中,'crossing over'指两个染色体的相互交换,使得基因序列发生重组。以下是9个含有'crossing over'的例句:

1. The phenomenon of 'crossing over' during meiosis contributes to genetic diversity.('crossing over'现象在减数分裂中促使基因多样性的产生。)

2. The scientist discovered that 'crossing over' occurs more frequently in some species than in others.(这位科学家发现某些物种中更容易发生'crossing over'。)

3. 'Crossing over' is a crucial process in the formation of gametes.('crossing over'是生殖细胞形成过程中至关重要的一环。)

4. The location of 'crossing over' events can be mapped using molecular markers.(可以利用分子标记来绘制'crossing over'事件的位置。)

5. 'Crossing over' is a mechanism that allows genes to move between chromosomes.('crossing over'是一种机制,可以让基因在染色体之间移动。)

6. The frequency of 'crossing over' can be influenced by environmental factors.('crossing over'的频率可以受到环境因素的影响。)

7. The exchange of genetic material through 'crossing over' can lead to new combinations of traits.(通过'crossing over'进行的基因物质交换可以导致新的性状组合。)

8. 'Crossing over' occurs spontaneously during meiosis, but can also be induced through genetic engineering techniques.('crossing over'在减数分裂中自然发生,但也可以通过基因工程技术诱导。)

9. The discovery of 'crossing over' revolutionized our understanding of how genetic traits are inherited.('crossing over'的发现彻底改变了我们对基因遗传方式的认识。)

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