1. 'Mystus'是拉丁文单词,指的是一种鲶鱼属(Mystus)中的鱼类。
2. 这个词语在英语和其他一些欧洲语言中仍然被使用,用来指代属于Mystus鱼属的鱼类。
3. 以下是含有'Mystus'的9个例句:
- The Mystus catfish is a popular aquarium fish.(Mystus鲶鱼是一种受欢迎的水族馆鱼类。)
- The Mystus gulio can adapt to a wide range of water conditions.(Mystus gulio能够适应各种水质条件。)
- The Mystus tengara is native to South Asia.(Mystus tengara原产于南亚。)
- The Mystus vittatus has a distinctive black stripe along its body.(Mystus vittatus身上有明显的黑色条纹。)
- The Mystus nigriceps is also known as the black-headed catfish.(Mystus nigriceps也被称为黑头鲶鱼。)
- The Mystus cavasius is commonly found in rivers and ponds.(Mystus cavasius常见于河流和池塘中。)
- The Mystus aor is a popular food fish in Southeast Asia.(Mystus aor是东南亚流行的食用鱼类。)
- The Mystus tengara can grow up to 30 cm in length.(Mystus tengara最长可达30厘米。)
- The Mystus keletius prefers slow-moving water with a sandy bottom.(Mystus keletius喜欢缓慢流动的水,底部有沙子。)