1. 'Alice Paul'是美国的词语。
2. 'Alice Paul'的中文翻译是“爱丽丝•保罗”。
3. 'Alice Paul'是20世纪美国女性运动的领袖人物,她是一个坚定不移的女权主义者,致力于争取女性的投票权和平等权利。
4. 例句1:Alice Paul was one of the leading suffragists in the United States in the early 20th century.(爱丽丝•保罗是20世纪早期美国的一位著名妇女选举权运动领袖。)
5. 例句2:Alice Paul co-founded the National Woman's Party in 1916.(xx年,爱丽丝•保罗与他人共同创立了美国国家妇女党。)
6. 例句3:Alice Paul organized a massive women's suffrage march in Washington D.C. in 1913.(xx年,爱丽丝•保罗组织了一次规模巨大的妇女选举权游行活动,地点在华盛顿特区。)
7. 例句4:Alice Paul was arrested multiple times for protesting and picketing outside the White House.(爱丽丝•保罗因多次在白宫外抗议和示威游行而被捕。)
8. 例句5:Alice Paul was instrumental in the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which granted women the right to vote.(爱丽丝•保罗在美国宪法第19修正案的通过中起到了至关重要的作用,该修正案赋予了妇女投票权。)
9. 例句6:Alice Paul's feminist activism paved the way for future generations of women's rights advocates.(爱丽丝•保罗的女权活动为后代的女权倡导者铺平了道路。)
10. 例句7:Alice Paul's dedication to women's suffrage and equality continues to inspire activists today. (爱丽丝•保罗对妇女选举权和平等的奉献仍然激励着今天的活动家们。)
11. 例句8:Alice Paul's legacy as a pioneering feminist leader is celebrated every year on Women's Equality Day in the United States.(爱丽丝•保罗作为一位开创性的女权领袖,每年都在美国的妇女平等日上得以纪念。)
12. 例句9:Alice Paul's role in the women's suffrage movement is a testament to the power of determined, organized activism.(爱丽丝•保罗在妇女选举权运动中的角色证明了决心和组织起来的行动的力量。)