Cerotoma trifurcata是什么意思 Cerotoma trifurcata的读音、翻译、用法

Cerotoma trifurcata是什么意思 Cerotoma trifurcata的读音、翻译、用法

'Cerotoma trifurcata'是拉丁语,翻译成中文是三叉豆夜蛾。它是一种危害豆类作物的害虫,会在豆类植物叶面上产生一些白色斑点,严重时会影响植物的生长和产量。

以下是含有'Cerotoma trifurcata'的例句:

1. Cerotoma trifurcata caused serious damage to soybean crops in the field. (三叉豆夜蛾对大豆田地造成了严重的危害。)

2. The management of Cerotoma trifurcata is important to ensure high yield of bean crops. (管理三叉豆夜蛾对确保豆类作物的高产是重要的。)

3. Farmers need to take measures to control Cerotoma trifurcata at an early stage of infestation. (农民需要在感染的早期采取措施来控制三叉豆夜蛾。)

4. The larvae of Cerotoma trifurcata feed on the leaves of soybean plants. (三叉豆夜蛾幼虫会以大豆植物的叶子为食。)

5. The population of Cerotoma trifurcata can be monitored using pheromone traps. (可以使用信息素陷阱监测三叉豆夜蛾的数量。)

6. The damage caused by Cerotoma trifurcata could reduce the yield of bean crops by 50%. (三叉豆夜蛾造成的危害可能会降低豆类作物的产量50%。)

7. The use of insecticides is an effective way to control Cerotoma trifurcata. (使用杀虫剂是控制三叉豆夜蛾的有效方法。)

8. The resistance of soybean plants to Cerotoma trifurcata can be enhanced by genetic modification. (通过基因改良可以增强大豆对三叉豆夜蛾的抗性。)

9. Integrated pest management can reduce the damage caused by Cerotoma trifurcata while minimizing the use of chemicals. (综合害虫管理可以减少三叉豆夜蛾带来的危害,同时最小化化学品的使用。)

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