Hanshan是什么意思 Hanshan的读音、翻译、用法

Hanshan是什么意思 Hanshan的读音、翻译、用法



1. 寒山寺的夜晚特别寂静,只有风声和流水声相伴。(中文翻译:The night of Hanshan Temple is particularly quiet, only accompanied by the sound of wind and running water.)

2. 寒山寺的风景非常美丽,吸引了众多游客前来观赏。(中文翻译:The scenery of Hanshan Temple is very beautiful, attracting many tourists to come and admire.)

3. 寒山的禅法让我明白了许多人生的道理。(中文翻译:The Zen Buddhism of Hanshan helps me understand many truths of life.)

4. 寒山的诗作具有极高的艺术价值,是经久不衰的文化遗产。(中文翻译:The poetry of Hanshan has high artistic value and is an enduring cultural heritage.)

5. 在寒山寺里,我感觉到了内心的平静和宁静。(中文翻译:In Hanshan Temple, I feel inner peace and tranquility.)

6. 寒山诗选是我国文学史上的经典之一,具有重要的历史意义。(中文翻译:The Selected Poems of Hanshan is one of the classics in the history of Chinese literature and has important historical significance.)

7. 寒山的佛法让我懂得了如何面对生活中的痛苦和困境。(中文翻译:The Buddhism of Hanshan teaches me how to face the pain and difficulties in life.)

8. 寒山的诗歌格调幽默风趣,令人忍俊不禁。(中文翻译:The style of Hanshan's poems is humorous and witty, making people unable to stop laughing.)

9. 寒山的禅宗思想影响了许多后来的文化人物,成为中国文化的瑰宝之一。(中文翻译:The Zen Buddhist philosophy of Hanshan has influenced many later cultural figures and become one of the treasures of Chinese culture.)

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