'Thuja plicata'是拉丁语,意为“折叠柏树”,又称西部红杉,是一种常见的针叶树种,生长在北美西海岸。
1. The forest is dominated by Thuja plicata, also known as Western Red Cedar.(这片森林主要由西部红杉占据。)
2. Thuja plicata is widely used for construction of homes, fences, and outdoor furniture.(西部红杉广泛用于建造房屋、篱笆和户外家具。)
3. The leaves of Thuja plicata are flat and scale-like, forming sprays that are a bright green color.(西部红杉的叶子是扁平的鳞片状,形成亮绿色的枝条。)
4. Thuja plicata is a slow-growing tree, but can live for hundreds of years.(西部红杉生长缓慢,但可以活上数百年。)
5. The wood of Thuja plicata is lightweight, strong, and resistant to decay.(西部红杉木材轻便、坚固,并且耐腐朽。)
6. Thuja plicata is a popular choice for landscaping due to its attractive foliage and easy maintenance.(由于其漂亮的叶子和易于养护,西部红杉是园艺设计中的热门选择。)
7. In Native American culture, Thuja plicata was used for a variety of purposes, including building canoes and totem poles.(在美洲原住民文化中,西部红杉被用于制作独木舟和图腾柱等多种用途。)
8. Thuja plicata is often found in temperate rainforests along the Pacific coast of North America.(西部红杉常见于北美太平洋沿岸的温带雨林中。)
9. The essential oil extracted from Thuja plicata has antifungal and antiseptic properties and is used in aromatherapy.(从西部红杉中提取的精油具有抗真菌和抗菌特性,可用于芳香疗法。)