'illinoia liriodendri'这个词语来源于拉丁语,是用来描述白蜡木粉蚧(Liriodendron tulipifera)害虫的学名。这种害虫会在白蜡木树上繁殖和生长,导致树木生长缓慢,产量下降。这个词语在植物学和农业领域中常用。
以下是9个含有'illinoia liriodendri'的例句:
1. Illinoia liriodendri is a common pest of tulip poplar in North America.(Illinoia liriodendri是北美郁金香杨常见的害虫。)
2. The damage caused by Illinoia liriodendri can reduce tree growth and yield.(Illinoia liriodendri的危害会导致树木生长缓慢和产量下降。)
3. White wax scale (Illinoia liriodendri) is a significant pest of tulip poplar in the eastern United States.(白蜡木粉蚧(Illinoia liriodendri)是美国东部郁金香杨的重要害虫。)
4. Management of Illinoia liriodendri typically involves insecticide applications.(Illinoia liriodendri的管理通常需要使用杀虫剂。)
5. The life cycle of Illinoia liriodendri includes the egg, nymph, and adult stages.(Illinoia liriodendri的生命周期包括卵、若虫和成虫阶段。)
6. Illinoia liriodendri infestations can be detected by examining the trunks and branches of tulip poplar trees.(通过检查郁金香杨树的树干和树枝可以发现Illinoia liriodendri的重度感染。)
7. The economic impact of Illinoia liriodendri on tulip poplar production is significant.(Illinoia liriodendri对郁金香杨生产的经济影响非常显著。)
8. Illinoia liriodendri has been reported in several countries outside of North America.(Illinoia liriodendri已经在北美以外的一些国家报告。)
9. Adult Illinoia liriodendri are small, oval insects with a grayish-white color.(成虫的Illinoia liriodendri是小而椭圆形的昆虫,呈灰白色。)