Clemens Krauss是德国语言的词语,中文可以翻译成克勒门斯·克劳斯。
以下是含有Clemens Krauss的9个例句:
1. Clemens Krauss在xx年至xx年间担任柏林国家歌剧院的艺术总监。
(Clemens Krauss served as the artistic director of the Berlin State Opera from 1942 to 1944.)
2. 克勒门斯·克劳斯是指挥家理查德·施特劳斯的好友和合作伙伴。
(Clemens Krauss was a friend and collaborator of conductor Richard Strauss.)
3. 克勒门斯·克劳斯曾在萨尔茨堡音乐节上指挥过多场演出。
(Clemens Krauss conducted many performances at the Salzburg Festival.)
4. 克勒门斯·克劳斯在他的职业生涯中创作了多部歌剧和交响乐作品。
(Clemens Krauss composed several operas and symphonies throughout his career.)
5. 克勒门斯·克劳斯是一位备受尊敬的指挥家,他的演绎备受赞誉。
(Clemens Krauss was a highly respected conductor and his interpretations were praised.)
6. 由克勒门斯·克劳斯指挥的维也纳爱乐乐团演出了许多莫扎特作品。
(The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Clemens Krauss, performed many works by Mozart.)
7. 克勒门斯·克劳斯生前曾在巴黎管弦乐团和伦敦皇家爱乐乐团担任指挥。
(Clemens Krauss served as a conductor for the Paris Orchestra and the London Royal Philharmonic Orchestra during his lifetime.)
8. 克勒门斯·克劳斯的指挥风格以精确和优美著称。
(Clemens Krauss's conducting style was known for its precision and elegance.)
9. 克勒门斯·克劳斯的音乐产生了深远的影响,对后来的指挥家和作曲家产生了启发。
(Clemens Krauss's music had a profound influence and inspired later conductors and composers.)