Strongylus是什么意思 Strongylus的读音、翻译、用法

Strongylus是什么意思 Strongylus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Strongylus vulgaris是一种常见的马的肠道寄生虫,也是马的主要肠道线虫之一。

(Strongylus vulgaris is a common intestinal parasite of horses and one of the main intestinal nematodes of horses.)

2. 这只驴被Strongylus感染了,需要进行解虫治疗。

(This donkey was infected with Strongylus and requires deworming treatment.)

3. Strongylus edentatus是一种马肠道中的线虫,常与Strongylus vulgaris同时感染。

(Strongylus edentatus is a nematode found in the intestinal tract of horses, often co-infected with Strongylus vulgaris.)

4. 高密度的Strongylus寄生会导致马的身体免疫力下降。

(High density of Strongylus parasites can lead to decreased immunity in horses.)

5. Strongylus线虫可以通过粪便传播给其他马匹。

(Strongylus nematodes can spread to other horses through feces.)

6. Strongylus感染会导致马匹的消化系统受损,影响其正常的饮食和肠道功能。

(Strongylus infection can damage the digestive system of horses, affecting their normal diet and intestinal function.)

7. 骡子长期食用污染的草地上的草,可能会被Strongylus线虫感染。

(Donkeys grazing on contaminated pasture for a long time may be infected with Strongylus nematodes.)

8. Strongylus Westeri是一种常见的马草地线虫,可导致马的肠道疾病。

(Strongylus Westeri is a common pasture nematode of horses that can cause intestinal diseases in horses.)

9. Strongylus线虫侵袭产生的毒素会对马的肠道黏膜造成损伤,引起腹泻等症状。

(The toxins produced by Strongylus nematodes can damage the intestinal mucosa of horses, causing symptoms such as diarrhea.)

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