1. Ustulina deusta is a common wood decay fungus found on dead or dying trees.(Ustulina deusta是常见的腐木真菌,生长在死亡或濒死树木上。)
2. The presence of Ustulina can indicate a high level of decay in a forest.(Ustulina的存在可能表明森林中腐败程度很高。)
3. Ustulina vulgaris is known to cause significant damage to wooden structures.(Ustulina vulgaris会对木结构造成重大损坏。)
4. The taxonomy of Ustulina is still a subject of debate among mycologists.(Ustulina的分类仍是真菌学家争议的话题。)
5. Ustulina species differ in their ability to decompose different types of wood.(Ustulina物种在分解不同类型的木材方面存在差异。)
6. Wood treated with preservatives can be more resistant to Ustulina infection.(用防腐剂处理的木材可以更抵抗Ustulina感染。)
7. The spores of Ustulina can be spread by insects or wind.(Ustulina的孢子可以通过昆虫或风传播。)
8. Ustulina is often found in damp or waterlogged environments.(Ustulina经常出现在潮湿或积水的环境中。)
9. Ustulina can be identified by the appearance of its fruiting bodies on infected wood.(通过感染木材上的子实体外观可以确定Ustulina。)