1. The cliffs are made of mudstone and are prone to erosion when it rains heavily. (这些悬崖由泥岩构成,在大雨天气下容易发生侵蚀。)
2. The excavation revealed layers of sandstone, siltstone and mudstone. (挖掘发现了砂岩、泥岩和粉砂岩层。)
3. The area is rich in fossilized remains embedded in layers of mudstone. (这个地区泥岩层中嵌有丰富的化石遗骸。)
4. The foundation of the building was built on a layer of hard mudstone. (建筑物的基础是建立在一层坚硬的泥岩上的。)
5. The river valley is dominated by hills of sandstone and mudstone. (这个河谷地区主要由砂岩和泥岩的山丘组成。)
6. The cliffs of the Grand Canyon are made of sandstone, limestone and mudstone. (大峡谷的悬崖由砂岩、石灰岩和泥岩组成。)
7. The shale layers were sandwiched between layers of mudstone and sandstone. (页岩层夹在泥岩和砂岩层之间。)
8. The pottery was made from fine-grained mudstone found in the local quarry. (这陶器是用当地采石场开采的细粒泥岩制成的。)
9. The mudstone formations in the area were millions of years old and contained valuable minerals. (该地区的泥岩构造形成于数百万年前,含有有价值的矿物质。)