1. Megalops cyprinoides是一种广泛分布于印度洋和太平洋的鱼类。
(Megalops cyprinoides is a fish species widely distributed in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.)
2. 在阿根廷,Megalops atlanticus被称为tararira。
(In Argentina, Megalops atlanticus is known as tararira.)
3. 这条Megalops在阳光下闪耀着金色的光芒。
(This Megalops shimmered with a golden glow in the sunlight.)
4. Megalops是一种非常强壮的鱼,可以在水中迅速游动。
(Megalops is a very strong fish that can swim quickly in water.)
5. 这种鱼的拉丁名叫Megalops cyprinoides,也被称为“豹鲈”。
(The Latin name for this fish is Megalops cyprinoides, also known as "leopard grouper".)
6. Megalops atlanticus是一种大型鱼类,可以达到2米长。
(Megalops atlanticus is a large fish that can reach up to 2 meters in length.)
7. 这条Megalops非常喜欢吃小鱼和虾。
(This Megalops loves to eat small fish and shrimp.)
8. Megalops有很强的颜色适应能力,可以隐身于海底。
(Megalops has strong color adaptation ability and can hide on the seabed.)
9. 在夏威夷,很多人喜欢去海边钓Megalops cyprinoides。
(In Hawaii, many people like to go fishing for Megalops cyprinoides on the beach.)