RAPPAM是什么意思 RAPPAM的读音、翻译、用法

RAPPAM是什么意思 RAPPAM的读音、翻译、用法




1. RAPPAM唱了一首悠扬的歌曲,引起了人们的热烈掌声。(中文翻译:The RAPPAM sang a melodious song and received a thunderous applause.)

2. 我们请来了一位RAPPAM,让他给我们讲述他祖辈的传统故事。(中文翻译:We invited a RAPPAM to tell us the traditional stories of his ancestors.)

3. 在尼泊尔,RAPPAM是一种受人尊敬的职业。(中文翻译:In Nepal, RAPPAM is a respected profession.)

4. 这位RAPPAM不仅能唱歌,还能说故事。(中文翻译:This RAPPAM can not only sing but also tell stories.)

5. 今晚,我们有幸邀请到了一位RAPPAM来为我们表演节目。(中文翻译:Tonight, we are fortunate to have a RAPPAM to perform for us.)

6. RAPPAM以一种独特的方式将故事讲述出来,让人们倍感惊奇。(中文翻译:The RAPPAM told the story in a unique way, which amazed everyone.)

7. 一位年迈的RAPPAM讲述了他这一生中所见所闻。(中文翻译:An elderly RAPPAM recounted his life experiences.)

8. 我们可以从RAPPAM的口中了解到尼泊尔人民的文化和传统。(中文翻译:We can learn about the culture and traditions of the Nepalese people from RAPPAM's mouth.)

9. 在当地,人们常常聚在一起听RAPPAM唱歌,讲故事。(中文翻译:Locals often gather to listen to RAPPAM sing and tell stories.)

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