mike是什么意思 mike的读音、翻译、用法

mike是什么意思 mike的读音、翻译、用法



1. Turn up the mike volume so everyone can hear.(把话筒音量调大,让每个人都能听到。)

2. The singer's mike wasn't working properly during the performance.(表演期间歌手的麦克风出了问题。)

3. The interviewer held the mike close to the interviewee's mouth.(采访者把话筒靠近被采访者的嘴巴。)

4. The DJ adjusted the mike stand to the right height.(DJ把话筒架调整到合适的高度。)

5. The speaker's voice sounded muffled through the mike.(演讲者的声音听起来通过话筒变得含糊不清。)

6. The band's lead guitarist stepped up to the mike to sing.(乐队的主唱吉他手走上前去唱歌。)

7. The sound engineer checked the mike levels before the concert.(音响工程师在音乐会前检查话筒音量。)

8. The karaoke machine has multiple mike inputs for singing duets.(卡拉OK机有多个话筒插孔可以进行二重唱。)

9. The comedian used the mike to deliver his jokes to the audience.(喜剧演员使用话筒向观众传递他的笑话。)

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