bos taurus是什么意思 bos taurus的读音、翻译、用法

bos taurus是什么意思 bos taurus的读音、翻译、用法

'bos taurus'是拉丁语,意为牛。它是指家牛,是欧洲牛种的学名。'bos taurus'这个词语通常被用于科学研究、学术论文等领域。在生活中,我们一般使用“牛”或“家牛”等词语来代替它。

以下是9个含有'bos taurus'的例句:

1. The 'bos taurus' is an important source of meat and dairy products.(家牛是重要的肉类和奶制品来源。)

2. The 'bos taurus' has been selectively bred for thousands of years to produce various breeds with different characteristics.(家牛通过数千年的选择性繁殖,产生出不同特征的各种品种。)

3. 'Bos taurus' is one of the oldest domesticated animal species in the world.(家牛是世界上最古老的家畜物种之一。)

4. The genome of the 'bos taurus' has been sequenced, which will help researchers better understand the biology of this important animal.(家牛基因组已经被测序,这将有助于研究人员更好地了解这种重要动物的生物学。)

5. The 'bos taurus' is susceptible to a variety of diseases, such as foot-and-mouth disease and tuberculosis.(家牛容易患上各种疾病,如口蹄疫和结核病。)

6. The 'bos taurus' is used for plowing fields and pulling carts in many developing countries.(在许多发展中国家,家牛被用于耕田和拉车。)

7. The 'bos taurus' has a large and powerful body, making it ideal for heavy work.(家牛拥有庞大而强壮的身体,非常适合进行重体力劳动。)

8. In Hindu culture, the 'bos taurus' is considered a sacred animal and is often worshipped.(在印度教文化中,家牛被视为神圣动物,并经常受到崇拜。)

9. The milk of the 'bos taurus' is used to make a variety of dairy products, such as cheese and yogurt.(家牛的牛奶被用于制作各种奶制品,如奶酪和酸奶。)

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