Theodore Rousseau是什么意思 Theodore Rousseau的读音、翻译、用法

Theodore Rousseau是什么意思 Theodore Rousseau的读音、翻译、用法

'Theodore Rousseau'是英语,中文翻译为“西奥多·卢梭”。


以下是含有'Theodore Rousseau'的9个例句:

1. Theodore Rousseau's paintings are very realistic and naturalistic.(西奥多·卢梭的画作非常逼真和自然。)

2. The Barbizon School, which Theodore Rousseau was a part of, was a crucial movement in French art.(巴比松画派是西奥多·卢梭所属的一个重要的法国艺术运动。)

3. The landscapes in Theodore Rousseau's works are very beautiful and captivating.(西奥多·卢梭的画作中的风景非常美丽和迷人。)

4. Theodore Rousseau's paintings often depict scenes from forests and woods.(西奥多·卢梭的画作经常描绘森林和树林的场景。)

5. Theodore Rousseau was influenced by the Romantic movement in literature and art.(西奥多·卢梭受到浪漫主义文学和艺术运动的影响。)

6. Theodore Rousseau's paintings have a sense of tranquility and peacefulness.(西奥多·卢梭的画作具有一种宁静和平静的感觉。)

7. Theodore Rousseau's works are characterized by their attention to detail and realism.(西奥多·卢梭的作品以注重细节和逼真为特色。)

8. Theodore Rousseau's landscapes often have a sense of mystery and hidden beauty.(西奥多·卢梭的风景画经常具有神秘和隐藏的美感。)

9. Theodore Rousseau's paintings reflect his love of nature and the outdoors.(西奥多·卢梭的画作反映了他对自然和户外的热爱。)

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