1. Pistia stratiotes是一种生长在水上的植物,常常在热带河流和沼泽中出现。
(Pistia stratiotes is a plant that grows on water and is often found in tropical rivers and swamps.)
2. 水莲是一种受欢迎的水生植物,可以用来装饰水族箱。
(Pistia is a popular aquatic plant that can be used to decorate aquariums.)
3. 水莲叶子呈圆形或椭圆形,顶部凹陷,干燥后变成浅黄色。
(The leaves of Pistia are round or elliptical, concave at the top, and turn pale yellow when dry.)
4. 水莲是一种生长迅速的植物,容易形成密集的浮萍垫。
(Pistia is a fast-growing plant that easily forms dense floating mats.)
5. 由于水莲可以吸收水中的营养物质,因此可以用它来净化污水。
(Because Pistia can absorb nutrients from water, it can be used to purify wastewater.)
6. 水莲可以用来作为鱼苗的遮阳物,这有助于保持水温稳定。
(Pistia can be used as a shade for fish fry, which helps to maintain stable water temperature.)
7. 水莲可以生长在各种水质条件下,并且对低溶氧条件有很强的适应能力。
(Pistia can grow under various water quality conditions and has strong adaptability to low dissolved oxygen conditions.)
8. 水莲是一种天然的生物过滤器,可以将水中的有害物质清除掉。
(Pistia is a natural biological filter that can remove harmful substances from water.)
9. 水莲的叶子上常常会生长一些微小的生物,这些生物可以为水生动物提供食物。
(Small organisms often grow on the leaves of Pistia, which can provide food for aquatic animals.)